Forebears Giải pháp thay thế & Đối thủ cạnh tranh

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26,447 3K
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Thứ hạng
115,614 17K
412K 125.3K

HouseofNames: LastName Histories, Coats of Arms & Family Crests.

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553,102 933K
100.9K 29.3K

Genealogy and family tree history, ancestry databases with 4.36 million names along with resources, lookups, records search and original articles.

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48,190 14K
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A name is much more than just a name! Hidden within your name is a SPECIAL meaning. Search over 5 MILLION records.

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767,382 3K
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Names Encyclopedia.

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198,593 6K
253.3K 37.3K

Millions of photos, biographies, and family trees. Share your family history with the world.

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1,476,531 83K
41.7K 5.2K

COADB / Eledge Family Genealogy – Coat of Arms, Surname Histories, Genealogy.

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408,491 83K
132.5K 53.2K

A database of 50,000 surname meanings, containing information on the last name origins and the surnames earliest recordings.

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27,186 14K
1.5M 481.8K

Trace your ancestry and build a family tree by researching extensive birth records, census data, obituaries and more with Findmypast

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Thứ hạng
318,578 136K
165.6K 71.2K

If you are searching for your purpose in life, looking into the meaning of baby names, wanting to make a name change, or just interested in name meaning, we can help you choose a powerful and successful Balanced Name. 800,000+ name database.

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230,428 2K
221.6K 9.2K

Just a moment...

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Thứ hạng
217,443 106
233.5K 1.7K

NamesLook is the biggest baby names dictionary with 8 million modern and beautiful baby names. Find name meaning, origin, pronunciation, numerology and many more with NamesLook.

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561,693 20K
99.5K 32.1K

Baby name meanings – Search baby names, meanings, origins. Find 300,000+ baby names with meaning around the world at

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1,381,124 16K
44.3K 4.7K

Über 65.000 Vornamen und ihre Bedeutung, Herkunft, Verbreitung und Namenstage. Die beliebtesten Namen für Jungen und Mädchen 2018. Welches Sozialprestige hat ein Name? Der Vorname im Flaggenalphabet und in Brailleschrift und weitere spannende Fakten zu Deinem Vornamen.

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Thứ hạng
1,961,167 4K
32.3K 3.5K

Names List - Baby Names, Origin, Name Meanings.

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568,383 167K
98.4K 43K

Genealogy entries, sorted by name.

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Thứ hạng
4,719 758
7.3M 925.8K

Créez votre arbre généalogique. Faites un test ADN MyHeritage pour le test d'ascendance et le test génétique. Accédez à 18,2 milliards de documents historiques pour la recherche de généalogie.

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695,837 71K
82.1K 204.3K

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10M+ 946

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3,020,221 61K
21.9K 121.7K

Breaking Football News, Legendary Matches and Live Scores. Coming right from the field. Updated regularly.

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48.3K 117.7K

We’ve been around since 2000 and have helped thousands of people create websites. We provide all the tools needed to create a full featured website.

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10M+ 95K

Join FM World UK for free. Sell perfume, makeup, skincare & nutrition products with FM World UK. Register as an FM World business partner.

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816,540 169K
71.1K 8.9K

Irish Coat of Arms, Family Crest - 100 Free Irish Surnames Images and Name Origin History and Meaning of Symbols

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Thứ hạng
2,994,549 194K
22.1K 14.2K

A family coat of arms / crest displayed on one of our family tree charts. The Tree Maker uses the coat of arms on any of our genealogy templates or diagrams to show the last name meaning, surname history or name origin of your ancestry form. Free blank printable pedigree charts available.

Thứ hạng

Family Crest, Coat of Arms - Free to view your coat of arms family crest, shield also known as a symbol, design, pattern, tartan, picture, template or tattoo. We display worldwide graphics with names of Irish, German, Scottish, Italian, Spanish, English, Scottish, Welsh, UK, Canada, Australia and America origin. Free search and finder to view the heraldry picture with history and meaning. Printable! Free search online to help your research! Make your coat of arms.

Công nghiệp
Thứ hạng
289,021 42K
180.8K 94.8K

Indian Moon Sign Vedic Astrology, Get your daily astrology free online horoscope. Discover about Vasstu, Astrology, Indian Astrology. Get a complete and accurate indian astrology free horoscope online.

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550,037 266K
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Seven Reflections. Your Personality, Destiny & Love.

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1,165,379 14K
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Learn your own names meaning. Get new baby name ideas with ease. Everything related to names in one place.

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2,737,056 9K
24K 20.8K

Discover cool and unique new baby name ideas on NameKun. Find names related to your favorites and read their numerology meaning. Calculate your names life path numbers.

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Thứ hạng
217,253 25K
233.7K 75.8K

Looking For The New Born Baby Names? Your Search Ends Here. Explore The Huge Baby Names Collections With Meaning From The Baby Name Expert Team.we Have Baby Names Alphabetically And Gender Have Option To Add The Multiple Names In Cart And Choose One Of The Best From That For Your New Born Baby.

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1.5M 105.9K is a crowdsourced audio pronunciation website that helps you learn how to say words, names and phrases contributed by native speakers.

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Just a moment...

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Thứ hạng
31,296 3K
1.3M 405.5K

Baby names and meanings by the experts, with popular names and unique names, baby name lists, trend news, and a game-changing name generator. Nameberry is the complete baby naming resource including girl names and boy names and gender neutral names too, with child names meanings, origins, and popularity. Babys names are forever, so you need to choose the best.

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Find baby names and name meanings, boy names, girl names, unique baby names by origin, cool boy names and top girl names. Top baby names and popular names.

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206,954 13K
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Thứ hạng
484,124 68K
113.7K 78.3K

Bei finden werdende Eltern eine große Auswahl beliebter Vornamen für Jungen und Mädchen, mit Informationen zur Bedeutung und Herkunft.

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1,115,609 112K
53.7K 77.7K

Baby names meanings contain complete introduction and history of a baby names. Names of lucky number and many more information here available.

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2,090,307 321K
30.5K 96.8K

Names Dictionary Open source, dictionary of names, names and definitions, names and meanings, famous names

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591,128 30K
95K 14.2K

Lll➤ ✚ ✚ Informationen für Eltern und Kinder ✚ ✚ zu Themen wie Medien, Verkehr, Rechte, Freizeit, Ferien und vieles mehr.

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Thứ hạng
61,861 5K
722.9K 27.8K

Trace your genealogy and family tree to learn more about your family's history.

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253,078 87K
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Welche Vornamen gefallen besonders vielen Eltern? Welche Namen sind eher ausgefallen? Eine große Hilfe für alle Namensinteressierten!

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Thứ hạng
139,865 1K
347.2K 9.4K

Vornamen gesucht? Dann lass dich inspirieren! Hier findest du eine große Auswahl an Namen mit allen Informationen zu Herkunft, Namenstagen und Bedeutung.

Công nghiệp
Thứ hạng
24,510 2K
1.7M 216.6K

A community of genealogists connecting the human family on one FREE and accurate tree using traditional genealogy and DNA testing.

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291,854 101K
179.2K 35.6K

Kidsgo begleitet dich durch Schwangerschaft und Babyjahre. Mit informativen Artikeln, Online-Hilfen und der einzigartigen Kurssuche. Gleich probieren!

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9,367 843
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Create your family tree and invite relatives to share. Search 255 million profiles and discover new ancestors. Share photos, videos and more at

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Thứ hạng
3,902 87
8.7M 179.8K

La plus grande collection de tombes au monde. Contribuez, créez et découvrez les tombes du monde entier. Find a Grave - Des millions de données de cimetières.

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2,085 565
15.2M 2.3M

Discover your family history by exploring the world's largest family tree and genealogy archive. Share family photos and stories. It's all free.

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1,786 230
17.5M 5.3M

Ancestry® helps you understand your genealogy. A family tree takes you back generations—the world's largest collection of online family history records makes it easy to trace your lineage.

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