Web.app alternatifler & yarışmacılar
Firebase Hosting | Fast and secure web hosting
Firebase is Google's mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business.
Alternatifler ve rakipler web.app içerik, trafik ve yapı açısından
With instant review and actionable feedback, Gradr helps aspiring technologists learn and apply best practices while working on Andela assessments, challenges or projects.
RandomAPI :: Index
Easily generate fake data for populating your mockups and testing your applications.
With instant code review and actionable feedback, Gradr helps engineers apply knowledge and best practices while working on interesting projects.
ALC4 Slack Invite.
Hire Software Engineers | On-Demand Talent | Andela
Unlock the power of global tech talent with Andela. Hire experienced professionals quickly and cost-effectively. Build your team from our robust network of skilled specialists spanning 175 countries. Our AI-powered platform ensures a 96% talent match success rate. Get started now and hire with confidence.
Random Data API | Effortless Random Data at Your Fingertips
Random Data API Landing Page.
Randomkey.io is ranked number 10M in the world.
Numbers API
An API for interesting facts about numbers.
Random User Generator | Home
Random user generator is a FREE API for generating placeholder user information. Get profile photos, names, and more. It's like Lorem Ipsum, for people.
Uinames.com is ranked number 1121144 in the world and links to network IP address
TechCabal | Leading Africa’s Tech Conversation
Leading Africa’s Tech Conversation.
News and analysis about tech, talents, startups, and investments in Africa by Benjamin Dada and his team.
AI-Powered Engineering Services, LLM Training, Teams | Turing
Build GenAI and other enterprise applications, train and enhance LLMs, or hire on-demand technical professionals with Turing.
Real Estate and Property in Nigeria for Sale and Rent | PropertyPro.ng
PropertyPro.ng is Nigerian real estate and property listing website with property and houses in Nigeria for rent and for sale. We are the online real estate destination for property sales and rentals in Nigeria with properties including homes, houses, land, shops, offices and other commercial properties to buy or rent.
Safaricom : Premier Mobile, Data, & M-PESA Services
Discover Safaricom's mobile, data, and M-PESA services in Kenya. Seamless connectivity, innovative solutions, and exclusive offers await you!
Dummy API: Fake api full of users, images, post, comments etc
Full cycle REST/GraphQL production API server with fake data, 100 Users, over 800 posts, 1000 comments, 24/7 available for your experiments.
Random Number API.
Mimesis: Fake Data Generator — Mimesis 15.1.0 documentation
A robust data generator for Python, capable of rapidly producing large volumes of synthetic data for various use cases.
Generated Photos | Unique, worry-free model photos
AI-generated images have never looked better. Explore and download our diverse, copyright-free headshot images from our production-ready database.
Lorem Picsum
Lorem Ipsum... but for photos.
Professional website creation in web studio - Incredible Web.
Uifaces.com is ranked number 403535 in the world and links to network IP address
Mocklets | The Smartest way to mock your APIs
HTTP-based mock API simulator, which helps simulate APIs for faster parallel development and more comprehensive testing.
Mocktastic.com is ranked number 10M in the world and links to network IP address
Create a Free Mock API with TestApi.io
A free tool that lets you easily mock up API endpoints and
mock databases and make requests using RESTful interface. Testapi.io is a great tool to help
frontend developers to build prototypes and test without having to setup their own backend server.
Castle Mock - Mock REST APIs and SOAP web-services
Castle Mock is a web application that provides the functionality to mock out RESTful APIs and SOAP web services. This functionality allows client-side developers to completely mimic a server side behaviour and shape the responses themselves.
Designskilz.com is ranked number 3408636 in the world and links to network IP address
Catfact.info is ranked number 10M in the world.
Joseph Paul – jsph.pl
Joseph Paul's personal website.
ProperNerd – Captain's Log.
HomePage Media.
List of Random Names.
Technext - Documenting African Tech Stories that Matter Today
Technext provides tech-focused stories about issues, people and events that are shaping the lives of Africans and influencing policies in Africa.
Home - Disrupt Africa.
Startups, Innovation and Technology in Africa.
Startups, Innovation and Technology in Africa.
Home | Future Africa
We are the first investor in bold and visionary leaders building global businesses that solve Africa’s biggest challenges.
Top 15 Sites to Hire Great Freelance Developers in 2022
Find out which are the top sites to hire freelance developers online, in under 60 seconds. No sign-up needed, just answer our questionnaire.
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Looking for a remote job? Remote OK® is the #1 Remote Job Board and has 679,162+ remote jobs as a Developer, Designer, Copywriter, Customer Support Rep, Sales Professional, Project Manager and more! Find a career where you can work remotely from anywhere.
We Work Remotely: Remote jobs in design, programming, marketing and more
Find the most qualified people in the most unexpected places: Hire remote! We Work Remotely is the best place to find and list remote jobs that aren't restricted by commutes or a particular geographic area. Browse thousands of remote work jobs today.
Jumia.co.ke is ranked number 71633 in the world and links to network IP address
Business Daily
Economy, business and markets news, analysis and data from Kenya and Africa. .
Business News Nigeria | Daily Updates | Businessday.ng
Business news in Nigeria. Financial news. Exclusive news & analysis. Deep research and intelligence reports. In-Depth Analysis. Market-moving news and more.
Hire Top Remote Developers Globally - Arc
Arc is the AI-powered remote jobs marketplace to hire the world’s software developers. Find your top engineer match at lightning speed with Arc’s HireAI.
Nairametrics - Business news, Economy, Investing, and Financial Literacy
Destination for Business news, financial literacy, economy, and analysis from Africa's largest economy and Nigeria news.
Hire Remote Developers | 1 on 1 Hiring Support with UpStack®
Expand your remote development team with Upstacks vetted professionals. We'll help your company hire exceptional talent quickly and securely.
Home | Kenyans.co.ke.