Альтернативы & Конкуренты
ParaView - Open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application.
Альтернативы и конкуренты по содержанию, трафику и структуре
Kitware Inc. - Delivering Innovation - Customized Software Solutions for Complex Scientific Challenges.
VTK - The Visualization Toolkit.
CFD Online
An online center for Computational Fluid Dynamics. This is the largest CFD site on the net with services like discussion forums, jobs, links and a wiki.
Official home of The Open Source Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Toolbox.
Kitware, Inc.
The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project.
ITK | Insight Toolkit.
3D Slicer image computing platform | 3D Slicer
3D Slicer is a free, open source software for visualization, processing, segmentation, registration, and analysis of medical, biomedical, and other 3D images and meshes; and planning and navigating image-guided procedures.
Ansys | Engineering Simulation Software
Ansys engineering simulation and 3D design software delivers product modeling solutions with unmatched scalability and a comprehensive multiphysics foundation.
Sito istituzionale. Scopri le attività di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, i progetti, i servizi, le offerte di lavoro, la storia e le sedi dell’Agenzia.
OpenFOAM | Free CFD Software | The OpenFOAM Foundation
. Read More Go to the CFD Book OpenFOAM Funding 2022 Get a Maintenance Plan to fund OpenFOAM Sustainability and meet funders, core team and contributors at the OpenFOAM Hub. Read More CFD Training with OpenFOAM, 2022 Essential CFD | Applied CFD | Programming CFDLive Virtual Training on Europe and Americas time zones Schedule and Book OpenFOAM and The OpenFOAM Foundation.
CFD Direct | The Architects of OpenFOAM
CFD Direct develops and produces OpenFOAM, and provides OpenFOAM Training, Development and Support Services to users worldwide.
CFD SUPPORT - Expert in CFD, FEA & FSI Simulations
Experience precision with CFD SUPPORT! Providing top-tier, optimized solutions in CFD, FEA, FSI simulations, software development, and mathematical modeling.
The PyVista Project.
Conan 2.0: C and C++ Open Source Package Manager
Conan is an open source, decentralized and multi-platform package manager for C and C++ that allows you to create and share all your native binaries.
Boost C++ Libraries.
ROS: Home. is ranked number 13981 in the world and links to network IP address Free software! Get your fresh hot free software!
Red Hat free software.
Welcome to 3D Slicer’s documentation! — 3D Slicer documentation. is ranked number 3475611 in the world and links to network IP address
Slic3r - Open source 3D printing toolbox.
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing
The National Alliance for Medical Imaging Computing (NA-MIC) is a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, software engineers, and medical investigators who develop computational tools for the analysis and visualization of medical image data.
东岳流体 — OpenFOAM|CFD.
SimuTech Group | Ansys FEA, CFD, EM Software – Engineering
SimuTech Group's engineering expertise helps clients improve product efficiency, reliability, and performance with Ansys software and testing.
We Make Innovation Work | PADT
The Southwest’s leading provider of Numerical Simulation, Product Development, and 3D Printing products and services.
Ce domaine est peut-être à vendre!
Edilportale - il primo portale d'informazione tecnica per l'edilizia italiana. La più autorevole e completa fonte gratuita di notizie, normativa tecnica, prodotti e materiali edili, appalti, concorsi, libri, software, offerte di lavoro, prezzari del settore edilizia e costruzioni.
SHARCNET: Welcome.
Overview — K3D-jupyter documentation.
<no title> — pyvista-doc-translations documentation.
Welcome to tkoyam010's documentation! — tkoyam010 0.1 ドキュメント.
Wolf Dynamics - Customer-driven flow solutions
Wolf Dynamics - We offer consulting services in the areas of applied and theoretical fluid dynamics, computational fluids dynamics (from geometry generation, to mesh generation, to case setup and solution monitoring, to visualization and postprocessing), flow control, numerical optimization, and data analytics.
EMBL Barcelona |
At EMBL Barcelona, we study how tissues and organs develop and function in health and disease.
Trimesh 4.3.1 documentation.
The deal.II Finite Element Library. | Mirko Kiefer.
The Boost C++ Libraries
Online book “The Boost C++ Libraries” from Boris Schäling introducing 72 Boost libraries with more than 430 examples.
Open Standards.
Consulting services and learning resources for CMake, C++ and software build/release processes.
ROS 2. - The C++ Resources Network.
Automatic Addison – Build the Future.
The Construct: Where Your Robotics Career Happens
Learn, Grow, and Find Opportunities in Robotics. Study all robotics subjects by practicing with simulated and real robots. is ranked number 84210 in the world and links to network IP address