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NIET | National Institute for Excellence in Teaching
NIET’s work, impacting more than 300,000 educators and 3 million students, has helped our nation’s schools and districts better teacher instruction and earn historic results in student achievement.
EPASS | Electronic Portfolio and Assessment Support System
Wij zijn overtuigd dat iedere professional – vanaf de start van de eerste studie tot aan of zelfs na het pensioen – recht heeft om zich te blijven ontwikkelen. Wij geloven in een leven lang leren. We zien het als onze uitdaging om leerprocessen te ondersteunen en te verbeteren. is ranked number 10M in the world and links to network IP address is ranked number 10M in the world. is ranked number 1793619 in the world and links to network IP address
Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center.
Milken Family Foundation - Welcome | Milken Family Foundation
Founded in 1982 by Michael and Lowell Milken, the Milken Family Foundation’s core inspiration is to unlock the power of human potential through innovations in education. The mission—to empower people to help themselves and those around them live productive, satisfying lives—has directed our efforts for four decades and continues to be our guiding principle. .
McCormick County Schools of Inquiry and Innovation / Homepage.
- Lowell Milken
Lowell Milken is the chairman and co-founder of the Milken Family Foundation and co-founder of Knowledge Universe.
EPASS Enterprise | Appliance SalesSoftware | About Us
EPASS is your compete enterprise software solutions, customized for the appliance, electronic, and furniture industries across Canada and the UnitedStates.
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PrEP Locator: A national database for US PrEP providers
PrEP Locator is a national directory of providers of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in the US, funded by the M•A•C AIDS Fund.
USPREP | Equipping & Empowering Educators
US PREP impacting schools through partnerships with higher-level institutions to prepare educators through innovation. is ranked number 10M in the world.
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Ohio Evaluation System.
Allen County ESC
Home - Louisville City School District
Empowering Students. Engaged Community. Endless Possibilities. This is Louisville's vision that we keep at the forefront of all our work we do as a district. We have the programming and opportunities big districts offer in a small, community-centered environment. We are consistently refining our teaching practices and maximizing our resources to ensure we continually meet the needs of all our students. Visit our website to get a look at what it means to be a Leopard!
Anthony Wayne Local School District
Home. is ranked number 10M in the world.
ESC of Central Ohio
Home - Southern Ohio ESC.
Mid-Ohio Conference Center |.
Renhill Group Home
Home » Lowell Milken Family Foundation
Lowell Milken Family Foundation: Strengthening communities through innovation and education.
Milken Community School—Private Jewish School in Los Angeles
Located in Los Angeles, California, Milken Community School is one of the best Jewish middle schools & high schools in the US for boys and girls in grades 7-12.
Home - Milken Scholars.
Michael Milken - Philanthropist · Financier · Medical Research Innovator · Public Health Advocate.
Beal City Public Schools.
McCormick County, SC | County Offices | Administration.
Welcome - McCormick S.C. Chamber of Commerce.
Home | Lowell Milken Center.
The TAP System for Teacher and Student Advancement | NIET | National Institute for Excellence in Teaching
NIET services are structured around our core belief that every child deserves an effective educator, in every classroom, every day: school improvement solutions, teacher and leader development, the TAP System for Teacher and Student Advancement, rubric and observation systems, and educator preparation partnerships. is ranked number 10M in the world. is ranked number 10M in the world.
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Аудиторская компания ООО «АудитКомСервис». Весь спектр аудиторских услуг в Минске, Беларусь. Более 20 лет на рынке. По итогам рейтинга в числе лучших 15 организаций Республики Беларусь. is ranked number 575126 in the world and links to network IP address