वैकल्पिक & प्रतियोगियों
Radicaal linkse anti-autoritaire server. Voor anarchisten, socialisten, (klimaat)activisten, LHBTQIA+, antiracisten, antifascisten, antikapitalisten, intersectionelen, veganisten, mensenrechten, enz.
के विकल्प और प्रतियोगी सामग्री, यातायात और संरचना के संदर्भ में is ranked number 10M in the world and links to network IP address
Quitter - Todo Sobre Redes Sociales
Descubre todos los secretos de las redes sociales más populares: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter... ¡Aprende a sacarles partido!
A community centered on the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, and their surrounding region. Predominantly queer with a focus on urban and social justice issues. -
General purpose mastodon instance.
Site under Maintanance.
GoshYou is under construction
En vänskapsinriktad mötesplats!
Mastodon Uruguay
Nodo de Uruguay en servidor autogestionado y libre de corporaciones. Registro abierto, sujeto a revisión. Leer las normas, completar el formulario y esperar confirmación por mail (puede llegar a spam).
Pleroma — a lightweight fediverse server.
A Fediverse instance for people interested in cooperative and collective projects. If you are interested in joining our community, please apply at
Mastodon Social | Mastodon Italia
Community italiana di Mastodon. is ranked number 10M in the world.
A bunch of technomancers in the fediverse. This arcology is for all who wash up upon it's digital shore. - Libertalia Mastodon
Libertalia was a legendary free colony forged by pirates. It was founded and ruled by the pirates.
Primera instancia de Mastodon de México, desde Abr 2017.
Aquí hablamos de tecnología, literatura, ciencia, cultura, música, anime, series, películas, el acontecer diario y lo que te nazca del corazón.
Sitio donde la ciencia y la política se combinan para analizar los acontecimientos de nuestro mundo. euskara eta euskal kulturaren komunitatearentzat sortutako Mastodon instantzia bat da. 2018an hauek sortua: Azkue Fund, Dinahosting, iametza,, PuntuEUS eta Talaios Koop.
Queer Party!
A silly instance of Mastodon for queer folk and non-queer folk alike. Let's be friends!
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Sheesh Mohsin – Find your solutions
Find your solutions. is ranked number 10M in the world. - Ce site web est à vendre ! - Ressources et information concernant playvicious Resources and Information.
Ce site web est à vendre ! réunit des informations et annonces. Nous espérons que vous y trouverez les informations que vous recherchez ! is ranked number 10M in the world. is ranked number 10M in the world. is ranked number 10M in the world.
For people who care about, support, and build Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS).
Manu Järvinen.
A Mastodon instance, open to everyone, but mainly English and French speaking. is ranked number 580345 in the world and links to network IP address is ranked number 919393 in the world. - Bitcoin Mastodon
The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon! is ranked number 3123915 in the world.
The Octodon
queer anarchist communist cyber pirate ship.
Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek
Rich Stanek is the 27th Sheriff of Hennepin County with over 30 years of law enforcement experience.
Hennepin County Sheriff Foundation – Dedicated to strengthening public safety through youth-based activity programs, prevention, intervention, education, outreach, and 21st century crime-fighting tools and programs.
Mastodon.ART — Your friendly home on the fediverse for all things creative, all on a platform that is community-owned and ad-free. NO AI OR NFTs ALLOWED. is ranked number 699844 in the world and links to network IP address
The Wedge Times-Picayune » The Print Edition of Wedge LIVE!
The Print Edition of Wedge LIVE!