البدائل & المنافسين
البدائل والمنافسين ل من حيث المحتوى وحركة المرور والهيكل
The Construct: Where Your Robotics Career Happens
Learn, Grow, and Find Opportunities in Robotics. Study all robotics subjects by practicing with simulated and real robots. is ranked number 84210 in the world and links to network IP address
Automatic Addison – Build the Future.
ROS 2.
Learn Robot Programming - The Robotics Back-End.
Clearpath Robotics: Mobile Robots for Research & Development
Clearpath Robotics' fleet of mobile robotic platforms enable researchers and corporations to accelerate their robotics research and development. is ranked number 1426546 in the world and links to network IP address
ROS Industrial Training — Industrial Training documentation.
EProsima: RTPS/DDS Experts
Specialized on high performance middleware. Check out our comparatives such as Apache Thrift vs Protocol Buffers vs Fast Buffers or ZMQ vs Fast RTPS.
The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project.
Kitware Inc. - Delivering Innovation - Customized Software Solutions for Complex Scientific Challenges.
Conan 2.0: C and C++ Open Source Package Manager
Conan is an open source, decentralized and multi-platform package manager for C and C++ that allows you to create and share all your native binaries.
Boost C++ Libraries.
Circuit Basics - Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and DIY Electronics Tutorials
The best place on the web for articles and tutorials on the Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and DIY electronics!
Raspberry Pi Spy - Unofficial Pi Tutorials, Guides and News
Raspberry Pi tutorials, guides and news from the best Unofficial Pi blog in the World! Connect sensors, screens, servos and LEDs. Find technical and mechanical information as well as useful diagrams and example Python scripts. Learn, Teach, Discover and Invent with the everyone's favourite single board computer!
Home - Programming Electronics Academy
Learn to program your electronics projects without a computer science or electrical engineering degree - it's never been easier!
A place for issue tracking for
Husarion | Autonomous Mobile Robots Made Simple
We provide mobile robotic platforms, software and connectivity solutions to build autonomous systems based on ROS & ROS 2 easily and efficiently.
Robot & Chisel · stuff by michael ferguson. robots, woodworking, etc.
. is ranked number 10M in the world. is ranked number 3687682 in the world.
Allison Thackston
Allison Thackston, Roboticist && Engineering Lead and Manager.
ROS-Industrial is an Open Source robotics software project that extends the
advanced capabilities of ROS to new manufacturing applications. Supported
by ROS-I Consortium which is led by SwRI, Fraunhofer IPA and ARTC.
VTK - The Visualization Toolkit.
ParaView - Open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application.
DDS Portal – Data Distribution Services
Data Distribution Services.
Kitware, Inc.
Consulting services and learning resources for CMake, C++ and software build/release processes. | Mirko Kiefer. is ranked number 13981 in the world and links to network IP address
The deal.II Finite Element Library.
Open Standards. Free software! Get your fresh hot free software!
Red Hat free software.
The Boost C++ Libraries
Online book “The Boost C++ Libraries” from Boris Schäling introducing 72 Boost libraries with more than 430 examples.
RaspberryTips – Raspberry Pi projects and tutorials.
Dexter Industries
Dexter Industries builds robot kits that help people learn how to program. Most of our kits are based on the Raspberry Pi, a credit card sized computer.
Learn how to use Arduino and PIC microcontrollers in your
Do you want to learn how to use a
microcontroller in your electronic projects or do you need
inspiration for your next project? If so you have found the right
place! is ranked number 230247 in the world and links to network IP address
Starting Electronics - Electronics for Beginners and Beyond
Electronics for beginners and beyond. Arduino and electronic projects, Raspberry PI, tutorials, articles, embedded programming, related software and more. For beginners starting out in electronics to advanced levels in microcontrollers, electronics and software.
ESP32 Tutorials for Beginners.
Pi My Life Up - 500+ DIY Projects, Tutorials & Guides
Pi My Life Up is where you can find some of the best Raspberry Pi projects and tech tutorials on the web. Come and check them out.
Maker Pro | Electronics Projects and Tutorials
Your Electronics Projects, From Concept to Creation. Design, Collaborate, and Share! We provide a place for makers like you to share your designs, collaborate with one another, and learn how to take your product to market. - The C++ Resources Network.
Kaiyu Zheng
Kaiyu Zheng is a research scientist at the AI Institute. He received a PhD in Computer Science at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
His research interests are robot decision making under uncertainty and human-robot interaction. He is also interested in generalized robotic manipulation.
Last Minute Engineers - Learn Electronics the Easy Way
Learn Electronics the Easy Way.
Circuit Digest - Electronics Engineering News, Latest Products, Articles and Projects
Circuit Digest is a one stop place for Tech enthusiasts to get - latest news in semiconductor industry, Articles, Tutorials and DIY projects to inspire electronics engineers with latest technology and trends.