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www.efcoc.org - Evangelical Formosan Church of Orange County. EFCOC. 柑縣台福基督教會.柑縣台福基督教會是一個使用台語、華語、英語多種語言的基督教會.柑縣台福基督教會,始於1982年9月18日,在神的恩典及祝福中,茁壯長大。除了禮拜天的主日崇拜以外,週間並有不同團契小組。柑縣教會的兄姐信從主耶穌,親愛眾聖徒,為主的擺上,如同鑽石一般,從各個不同的層面來看,都有不同的光彩和亮度,都有神無限的祝福。在此,亦誠摯地邀請您,加入我們的行列,一起經歷神的恩典。柑縣台福基督教會是 神的家、以基督為首、藉敬拜、禱告、裝備、團契、服事、傳揚、領人歸主、成就神的計劃. EFCOC is a Christian Church located in Garden Grove, California. Founded in 1982, Evangelical Formosan Church, Orange County began its journey as a church of Christ with God's grace and blessings. Besides Sunday worship services, there are various weekly small groups and fellowships. EFCOC is a house of God and Christ is the head of this house. Through worship, intercession, equipping, fellowship, ministry, and evangelism, our mission is to lead people to Christ, accomplishing God's purpose in us!
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